Moncton NB Assault Claims Lawyer

Date Posted: August 22, 2023 1:43 pm

Moncton NB Assault Claims Lawyer

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding Assault Claims: Assault claims encompass various types of incidents, such as bar fights, abuse by bouncers, sporting event assaults, jailhouse assaults, casino fights, gunfire claims, stabbings, and street variety assaults. It is essential to recognize the various categories to navigate legal processes effectively.
  • Factors Affecting Assault Claims: Several factors can impact assault claims, including the extent of injury, provocation, credibility of parties involved, and corroborating evidence. Additionally, video footage, surveillance, photos, and recordings cannot be underestimated in strengthening a case.
  • Legal Assistance for Assault Claims: Seeking legal help is crucial when dealing with assault claims. Consulting with experienced lawyers, such as Haller Law, can provide invaluable guidance and support. He has been a litigator since 2004.


Moncton NB Assault Claims Lawyer: A professional specializing in handling assault claims in Moncton, New Brunswick. They provide legal assistance and advice to individuals who have been victims of assault and help them navigate the legal process. Their expertise ensures that their clients receive the rightful compensation they deserve.

Pro Tip: Consult with a Moncton, NB, Assault Claims Attorney to understand your rights and seek justice if you have been a victim of assault.

Understanding Assault Claims

When it comes to understanding assault claims, it is crucial to have a clear grasp of the subject. In this section, I will provide you with valuable insights into assault claims. We will begin by exploring the definition of assault claims, shedding light on what legally falls under this category and the criteria that must be met.

Furthermore, we will delve into the various types of assault claims, highlighting the circumstances and situations in which individuals may seek legal recourse. So, let us dive in and unravel the intricacies of assault claims together.

Definition of Assault Claims

Assault claims refer to legal actions taken by individuals who have experienced physical harm or threats of violence. These claims arise from various situations, such as bar fights, abuse by bouncers, sporting event assaults, jailhouse assaults, casino fights, gunfire incidents, stabbings, and street-variety assaults. The extent of injury, provocation, the credibility of parties involved, and the presence of corroborating evidence play significant roles in determining the outcome of assault claims. Additionally, video footage, surveillance records, photographs, and recordings can greatly impact the resolution of these cases.

It is essential to understand that assault claims can also lead to criminal charges and may involve seeking compensation through the NB Department of Justice. Injuries commonly associated with assault claims include brain injuries, broken bones, bruising, swelling, and soft tissue damage.

Suppose you are considering pursuing an assault claim in Moncton, NB, or other areas. In that case, it is advisable to seek legal assistance from professionals like Haller Law, who offer free consultations and operate on a no-win-no-fee basis. (Contingency Basis)

From bar fights to casino brawls, these assault claims cover a range of altercations.

Types of Assault Claims

Assault claims involve various incidents that result in physical harm or injury to individuals. These incidents can occur in different settings, such as bars, sporting events, jails, casinos, and streets. Each type of assault claim presents its unique characteristics and circumstances. It is crucial to understand the different types of assault claims to handle these cases effectively.

Types of Assault Claims

  • Bar Fights
  • Abuse by Bouncers
  • Sporting Event Assaults
  • Jailhouse Assaults
  • Casino Fights
  • Gunfire Claims
  • Stabbings
  • Street Variety Assaults

In addition to the types mentioned above, other specific scenarios may fall under the umbrella of assault claims. These could include assaults in workplace settings or domestic violence cases. It is essential for legal professionals involved in handling assault claims to be well-versed in the distinct types of incidents that can lead to physical harm or injury.

Pro Tip: When dealing with assault claims, it is important to thoroughly gather all available evidence, including video footage, surveillance records, photographs, and any relevant recordings. This evidence can greatly strengthen your case and help establish the credibility of your client’s claim.

Buckle up, folks. Things are about to get messy in the ring of bar fights.

Bar Fights

Bar fights, also known as altercations in drinking establishments, are a common occurrence that can lead to serious consequences.

  • The first point regarding bar fights is that they often arise from heated disagreements between individuals who have consumed alcohol.
  • These altercations can escalate quickly, resulting in physical violence between the parties involved.
  • Bar fights can occur for several reasons, such as arguments over perceived slights or conflicts between different groups of patrons.
  • Individuals involved in bar fights may suffer injuries ranging from minor cuts and bruises to more serious harm like broken bones.
  • In some cases, bar fights may also result in legal consequences for those involved, with criminal charges being filed against individuals responsible for instigating the altercation.

Despite their prevalence and potential for harm, there are steps that individuals and establishments can take to mitigate the risk of bar fights.

Abuse by Bouncers

Bouncers’ Actions Resulting in Harm – Bouncers can inflict harm while maintaining security, posing legal implications. These actions include physical aggression, excessive force, and unnecessary violence toward patrons or guests.

Instances of abuse by bouncers often involve physical altercations where bouncers may employ force beyond what is necessary to maintain order and security. This can cause serious injuries such as broken bones, head trauma, or soft tissue damage to victims.

It is important to note that abuse by bouncers can lead to both criminal charges and civil injury claims. Victims can seek compensation for their injuries through the Department of Justice and pursue civil claims against the responsible parties.

An accurate history surrounding this issue involves a case where a patron was subjected to abusive treatment by bouncers at a nightclub. The victim suffered severe injuries, including a broken nose and multiple bruises. As a result, they filed a civil injury claim against the establishment and the individual bouncers involved in the incident.

Street Variety Assaults

Street variety assaults encompass a range of physical confrontations that occur on public streets. These include altercations between individuals, spontaneous fights, and attacks by multiple assailants. The nature of these assaults can vary, from minor altercations resulting in minimal injuries to more severe cases involving serious harm. Understanding the types and dynamics of street variety assaults is crucial for assessing liability and seeking appropriate legal remedies.

  • Altercations between individuals
  • Spontaneous fights
  • Attacks by multiple assailants
  • Varying levels of violence and injury
  • Potential impact on legal claims and compensation

While the previous paragraph provided a brief overview of street variety assaults, it is important to note that each assault case carries its own unique factors that can significantly impact the outcome. These factors may include the extent of injuries sustained, the credibility of parties involved, and the availability of corroborating evidence such as video footage or witness testimonies. Consulting with experienced legal professionals who specialize in assault claims can greatly assist victims in navigating the complexities of their cases.

A study conducted by Haller Law highlighted that street variety assaults are a common occurrence in urban areas across Moncton NB. The findings shed light on the prevalence of these incidents and emphasize the need for proactive measures to address public safety concerns.

Whether it is a bruise, a broken bone, or a brain injury, these factors will determine the impact of your assault claim, including any loss of income claims.

Factors Affecting Assault Claims

Factors Affecting Assault Claims

When assessing assault claims, several crucial factors come into play. Understanding these factors is vital for building strong cases and seeking justice for victims.

The extent of the injury suffered plays a significant role in determining the severity of the assault and the subsequent legal actions. Additionally, the level of provocation involved can impact the outcome of the case.

Furthermore, the credibility of the parties involved, and any corroborating evidence presented, such as witnesses or documentation, can heavily influence the assessment of the claim.

Moreover, in the age of technology, the importance of video footage, surveillance records, photos, and recordings cannot be emphasized enough when it comes to validating assault claims. These factors collectively contribute to the complexities of assault claims, and delving into each one will shed light on the intricate nature of such cases.

Extent of Injury

In assault claims, the extent of injury refers to the severity and impact of the physical harm caused to the victim. It helps determine the compensation amount and legal implications for the parties involved.

  • The extent of injury is a crucial factor in assault claims, as it determines the level of damage suffered by the victim.
  • The severity of injuries such as brain injury, broken bones, or bruising can significantly impact the outcome of an assault claim.
  • The extent of injury also plays a role in assessing long-term effects on the victim’s physical health and well-being.

Assessing the extent of injury requires considering medical reports, expert opinions, and other corroborating evidence. This information helps determine appropriate compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, loss of income, and future care needs.

Pro Tip: It is essential for assault claimants to gather all relevant medical documentation and consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer to assess the extent of their injuries accurately.


Provoking acts in assault cases plays a significant role in determining liability and damages. When considering provocation, it refers to behaviors or actions that may have incited or aggravated the aggressor’s response. The level of provocation can range from verbal insults to physical threats, but it must be assessed objectively, taking into account the reasonable person standard.

Understanding provocation is vital in assault claims as it helps establish fault and mitigating factors. In these cases, the injured party’s actions or words may have contributed to escalating the situation, complicating legal proceedings. A comprehensive evaluation of provocation involves examining the context and circumstances leading up to the assault.

In assessing provocation, it is crucial to consider not only the immediate events that transpired but also any history between the parties involved. Past grievances or ongoing hostility can contribute to a hostile environment and potentially fuel violent interactions. Thus, previous incidents must be thoroughly investigated and factored into the assessment of provocation.

To effectively address provocation in assault claims, individuals should exercise caution and restraint during confrontations. Refraining from engaging in inflammatory behavior or responding with physical aggression can help prevent situations from escalating further. It is advisable to seek prompt legal advice from experienced professionals who can guide individuals through their specific circumstances while considering all relevant factors, including provocation.

After all, credibility is key, especially when the parties involved can’t even agree on the color of the sky.

Credibility of Parties

When it comes to the credibility of parties in assault claims, it is essential to assess the reliability and trustworthiness of each individual involved in the case. This includes considering their honesty, consistency, and overall believability in presenting their version of events.

To better understand this concept, let us take a look at a table highlighting different factors that can impact the credibility of parties in assault claims:

Factors Affecting Credibility


Prior criminal history

Any previous convictions or involvement in criminal activities can raise questions about a party’s credibility.

Inconsistencies in statements

Inconsistencies or contradictions between different statements given by a party may cast doubt on their truthfulness.

Motive to lie

If there is a clear motive for a party to provide false information or misleading testimony, it can undermine their overall credibility.

Presence of corroborating evidence

The existence of supporting evidence, such as eyewitness testimony, video footage, or medical records, can strengthen a party’s credibility.

It is important to consider these factors when evaluating the credibility of parties involved in assault claims. By carefully assessing these elements alongside other evidence and testimonies, a more accurate determination can be made.

In summary, assessing the credibility of parties requires an examination of numerous factors such as prior criminal history, inconsistencies in statements, motives to lie, and the presence of corroborating evidence. Taking these elements into consideration ensures a comprehensive evaluation of each party’s reliability and truthfulness.

Finding corroborating evidence is like finding a needle in a haystack, but in assault claims, it is the needle that can bring justice.

Corroborating Evidence

Corroborating evidence plays a significant role in assault claims, validating the truthfulness of the parties involved. It refers to additional evidence that supports and confirms the credibility and accuracy of the victim’s or other witnesses’ claims.

In these cases, corroborating evidence can include witness testimonies, surveillance footage, photographs, recordings, medical reports, or any other tangible proof that aligns with the victim’s account of the incident. Such evidence strengthens the case and helps establish a more accurate representation of what occurred during the assault.

Furthermore, corroborating evidence aids in assessing the extent of injury suffered by the victim and establishing liability for damages. It provides a solid foundation for legal proceedings and increases the chances of successfully pursuing a civil injury claim.

To ensure a stronger assault claim, it is advisable to gather as much corroborating evidence as possible. This may involve promptly reporting the incident to authorities and collecting any relevant documentation or physical evidence at the scene. Seeking medical attention immediately after an assault is also crucial for obtaining comprehensive medical records that can serve as invaluable corroborating evidence.

In addition to physical evidence, witness statements play an essential role in strengthening an assault claim. Identifying potential witnesses and obtaining their statements can provide crucial support for a victim’s version of events. It is important to gather contact information from these witnesses to ensure their availability for future legal proceedings.

When it comes to seeking justice through an assault claim, having strong corroborating evidence can significantly impact the overall outcome of the case. By presenting compelling supporting documents and testimonials, victims increase their chances of receiving fair compensation and hold those responsible accountable for their actions.

Seeing is believing, and in assault claims, a clear video can make all the difference.

Importance of Video, Surveillance, Photos, and Recordings

Video, surveillance, photos, and recordings play a crucial role in assault claims. This visual and audio evidence can provide undeniable proof of the events that unfolded during an assault. They not only help establish the credibility of the parties involved but also serve as valuable corroborating evidence.

Types of Injuries in Assault Claims

When it comes to assault claims, understanding the diverse types of injuries that can occur is crucial. In my experience as a Moncton Litigator, I have seen various types of injuries that victims can suffer from. These injuries range from brain injuries to broken bones and from bruising and swelling to soft tissue injuries. Each sub-section will provide a deeper insight into these specific types of injuries, their impact on a victim’s life, and the legal aspects related to them.

So, let us delve into each of these injury categories and explore the complex topics surrounding them.

Brain Injury

The impact of damage to the brain can be devastating. When it comes to brain injury, it is essential to understand the various aspects associated with this condition.

  • Severity: Brain injuries can range from mild concussions to severe trauma that requires immediate medical attention.
  • Symptoms: Common symptoms of brain injury include cognitive impairment, difficulty with motor skills, and emotional instability.
  • Treatment: Treating brain injuries often involves a combination of physical therapy, medication, and rehabilitation programs.
  • Long-term effects: Brain injuries can have long-lasting effects on a person’s quality of life, including permanent disability and cognitive decline.
  • Legal implications: In cases where a brain injury has occurred due to someone else’s negligence or intentional harm, legal action may be pursued for compensation.

While this information provides a general understanding of brain injuries, it is crucial to consult with medical professionals for specific details about the condition.

In recent years, there have been several cases where individuals have suffered severe brain injuries as a result of assault. For instance, in a tragic incident last year, an innocent bystander sustained a traumatic brain injury when they were assaulted during a street altercation. This incident serves as a sobering reminder of the grave consequences that assaults can have on both physical and mental well-being. A broken bone may not be a fashion statement, but it could be a gold mine in an assault claim.

Broken Bones

Broken bones, also known as fractures, are a common type of injury in assault claims. Here are five key points to understand about broken bones:

  • Fractures can occur in any part of the body and vary in severity, from hairline cracks to complete breaks.
  • The location and type of fracture determine the treatment options, which may include casting, realignment, or surgery.
  • Bone fractures can result in significant pain, swelling, bruising, and limited mobility.
  • X-rays and other diagnostic tests are used to identify and assess the extent of the fracture.
  • In assault claims, broken bones can be caused by forceful blows or impact during physical altercations.

It is important to note that each fracture case is unique. Seeking prompt medical attention and legal assistance can help ensure proper diagnosis, treatment, documentation of injuries, and potential compensation for damages.

To support recovery and increase the chances of a successful claim for compensation related to broken bones in assault cases:

1. Preserve any evidence related to the incident, including medical records, photographs of injuries, witness statements if available.

2. Follow all medical advice and attend appointments regularly to document healing progress.

3. Keep a record of all expenses incurred due to the injury, such as medical bills and transportation costs.

4. Consult with a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer who specializes in assault claims for guidance on navigating the legal process.

5. Cooperate with law enforcement investigations, if applicable, to provide accurate information regarding the incident.

By following these suggestions and working with experienced professionals in both the medical and legal fields, individuals with broken bone injuries from assaults can pursue appropriate compensation for their damages while focusing on their recovery journey.

Assault claims can leave you with more bruises than a clumsy grape-stomping festival.

Bruising, Swelling, and Soft Tissue Injury


  • Bruising: Occurs due to burst blood vessels under the skin.
  • Swelling: Body’s response to injury, with fluids accumulating in the affected area.
  • Soft Tissue Injury: Damage to muscles, ligaments, or tendons resulting in stiffness and limited mobility.

It is important to note that although these injuries may not always be immediately apparent or severe, they can still have long-term effects on a person’s well-being and quality of life.

If you have experienced bruising, swelling, or soft tissue injury as a result of an assault incident, seeking legal help could ensure that you receive proper compensation for your pain and suffering. Haller Law provides free consultations. Take advantage of your chance to seek justice for your injuries. Contact us today.

OHIP’s subrogated interest: when it comes to assault claims, even your healthcare provider wants a piece of the action.

Seeking Legal Help for Assault Claims

When seeking legal help for assault claims, there are essential steps to consider. Firstly, contacting Haller Law for a free consultation is a crucial initial move. They have a track record of successfully representing clients in assault cases, providing the necessary guidance and assistance.

Engage Haller Law for a Complimentary Case Evaluation

Contact our firm and schedule a consultation to obtain a complimentary case evaluation at Haller Law. We are available to discuss your assault claim and provide you with expert legal guidance.

During the consultation, our experienced lawyers will assess the details of your case, including the extent of injury, any provocation involved, and the parties’ credibility. Furthermore, they will evaluate any corroborating evidence, such as video footage, surveillance recordings, photos, or witness testimonies. These factors play a crucial role in building a strong assault claim.

If you have suffered injuries such as brain injury, broken bones, or bruising and soft tissue injury as a result of an assault incident, we can help you pursue a civil injury claim. We understand that dealing with assault claims can be overwhelming; however, our dedicated team is here to support you throughout the legal process.

Contact Haller Law today for a free consultation. Remember that there are no legal fees until your case is successfully settled.

No Legal Fees Until Your Case Settles

Regarding your assault claim, you will not incur any legal fees until the resolution of your case. This means that you do not have to worry about paying for legal expenses upfront while seeking compensation for your injuries sustained during the assault. Instead, the legal fees will be covered by the settlement amount if your case is successful.

This approach of “no legal fees until your case settles” provides financial peace of mind, allowing you to focus on your recovery and obtaining justice. By partnering with an experienced litigator, you can navigate the legal process without shouldering any financial burden until a favorable outcome has been achieved.

It is important to note that every assault claim is unique, and factors such as the severity of the injury, credibility of parties involved, and presence of corroborating evidence can impact the outcome. Therefore, having a skilled lawyer who specializes in assault claims is crucial in maximizing your chances of success.

For example, a client was assaulted at a local bar on main street in Moncton. They suffered significant injuries, including broken bones. Our team at Haller Law took on their case and fought tirelessly for their rights. With our expertise and dedication, we were able to secure a substantial settlement for our clients without them having to pay any legal fees until their case was resolved.



In light of the information provided “NB Assault”, it can be concluded that seeking legal counsel in Greater Moncton is crucial for victims of assault.

By obtaining the services of a reputable lawyer specializing in assault claims, individuals can confidently navigate the legal process and increase their chances of receiving the necessary compensation and justice they deserve.

This conclusion is supported by the understanding that assault can have serious physical, emotional, and financial consequences for victims. By engaging the services of a specialized lawyer, individuals can ensure that their rights are protected while also benefiting from their expertise in navigating the complex legal system.

Furthermore, it is important to note that assault claims can vary in their specific circumstances, such as the nature of the assault, the extent of the injuries suffered, and the available evidence. Therefore, it is essential to consult with a Moncton, NB, assault claims attorney who can provide tailored legal advice based on the unique details of each case.

It is worth mentioning that assault claims can be complex legal matters, requiring thorough investigation and an understanding of applicable laws and regulations. Seeking the assistance of an experienced lawyer with a track record of success in handling assault claims can significantly increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome for the victim.

It is a well-known fact that Moncton, NB, is home to several highly reputable law firms specializing in assault claims, ensuring that victims have access to top-quality legal representation in their pursuit of justice.

Four Facts About Moncton NB Assault Claims

  • Haller Law has represented assault victims in a variety of different cases.
  • Assault claims can arise from bar fights, abuse by bouncers, sporting event assaults, jailhouse assaults, casino fights, gunfire claims, stabbings, and street variety assaults.
  • Assault claims may involve parties that are drunk, have been drinking, or under the influence of drugs.
  • The extent of injury to the injured party, provocation, and credibility of the parties are key factors in assault claims.